Die Qual der Kaffee-Wahl?
Die grosse Auswahl an Kaffees kann manchmal recht anstrengend sein. Um ein wenig Struktur in unser Portfolio zu bringen und unseren (wie auch euren) Einkauf etwas zu erleichtern, haben wir unser Angebot wie folgt geordnet.
About Choosing Coffee
When it comes to choosing coffee, the vast array sometimes can seem a bit overwhelming - for us as roasters as well as for you as the coffee lover. To give us a guideline in selecting green coffee and to simplify your decisionmaking, we have structured our offerings in a pretty straightforward way.
Decaf: Espresso and Chill
There are many reasons why you may want to go easy on the caffeine. No matter the reason, our Mexico Decaf is a great choice for you: it's full of intense sweetness and chocolate flavors.
But how do we get rid of the caffeine you might wonder?
Looking Back Part 8 - Loving Our Brand
Roasting coffee is still the core of our business, selling coffee beans to private households via web shop as well as supplying offices, cafes, restaurants and bean resellers.
With our coffee trucks and catering setups we also serve coffee at private, corporate or public events. After selling our café in 2016, this was an excellent way to reconnect with our customer base.
Looking Back Part 7 - New Brand Identity
After finding the right name, we needed our Brand Identity to perfectly translate what we and our roastery are all about. We are endurance athletes, eager to go out and explore the great outdoors. Our coffee should be the fuel for an adventure as well as a reward after a hard training session or a challenge completed. While committing to great quality, it needs to be approachable, fun and cool.
Looking Back Part 6 - What's in a Name
When we initially started out in 2010, we named our roastery "Gipfelstürmer Kaffee", which translates as "Peak Performer Coffee". The name reflected both our background in endurance sports and our love for the great outdoors and the mountains which are right in front of our doorstep here in Switzerland. Just think of brewing coffee while taking a break on a hike or trek and enjoying the views and savouring a personal achievement: that's what our coffee was about.
About Coffee Brewing Recipes
A recipe is a bit like a flashlight at night, guiding you until you find the sweet spot to put up a more permanent lamp.
Was steckt hinter einem Brührezept
Das Brührezept hilft - wie eine Taschenlampe - sich in einem dunklen Raum zu orientieren, bis man einen Platz für eine etwas permanentere Lampe gefunden hat.
Kalter Kaffee macht schön und erfrischt
Im Sommer trinken wir am liebsten kalte oder gekühlte Getränke. Und Kaffee kann in vielen Varianten in ein eiskaltes Getränk verwandelt werden: Cold Brew ist zwar aktuell in aller Munde, jedoch nur eine von vielen kalten Zubereitungsmöglichkeiten. Hier sind ein paar Ideen, um im Sommer etwas Abwechslung in den Kaffeealltag zu bringen.
All about Cold Coffee
Summer is the time to drink cold or chilled beverages. Iced Coffee, Cold Brew, Caffè Freddo, Freddo Espresso... there are many ways to enjoy refreshing cold coffee when the temperatures are on the rise. So here are a few ideas how you can easily transform your coffee to fit the season.