Important Updates from 2025 - here are the details and "whys"


 From the start of 2025...

... our roasting day will permanently move from Monday to Tuesday

About "#mondayroastday becomes #tuesdayroastday"

For the past eight years, Monday has been our standard roasting day and whenever a public holiday fell on a Monday we moved it back a day to Tuesday. To keep the schedule more consistent over the year (and give everyone more wiggle room after a busy weekend), we will permanently move the roasting day to Tuesday. This also means your order deadline moves back a day and that all orders that are placed before Monday Midnight will be roasted on Tuesday and dispatched latest Wednesday morning. Your parcel should arrive on Thursday, latest Friday.

As always, there will be exceptions to roasting on Tuesday due to a date-related public holiday or the roasting breaks in summer and winter. Those exceptions will be communicated beforehand via newsletter, social media and our website as usual.

From the start of 2025...

... free shipping for domestic orders will start from 4x 250g (or 1kg) and the shipping rate for domestic orders below that threshold will be adjusted

About changes in our shipping policy

Since we started out as Vertical Coffee Roasters at the beginning of 2017, we have only made minor changes to how we do the things which you as our customer may notice: We've kept our portfolio stable and haven't changed the prices of our basic range coffees or made any changes to shipping terms although costs of logistics, power and green coffee (as well as living in general) have risen significantly in the past eight years.

We want to keep our coffees accessible to a broader public and are willing to buffer rising costs by making our processes, purchasing and logistics more efficient and economical. Through the rise in threshhold for free shipping, we can keep the price of our coffees stable by making the most of the shipping rate we pay to Swiss Post for every parcel sent. 

For domestic orders that include anything less than 4x 250g or 1kg of coffee beans, the shipping cost will be CHF 8.50 which is the 1:1 rate we pay for the parcel to be sent.

What about running subscriptions?

Shipping is always included in all subscriptions.

Ongoing subscriptions that started before 31.12.2024 will remain at the price they were when it was initially started.

New subscriptions below 4x 250g (that’s 1x, 2x & 3x 250g) from 01.01.2025 will fall under the new regime and have a new price, i. e. price increase.

Thank you for your ongoing support, your trust and  your loyalty!

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you’ve got any questions, drop us a line.

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Newsletter November 2024 - Deutsch


Wichtige Neuerungen ab 2025 - hier gibt's mehr darüber zu lesen